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Visible chains of long distance signaling, known as optical telegraphy, have also been used throughout history to convey limited types of information.


Thus, political, religious, and commercial interests have historically controlled, expanded, and monitored communications channels.


The spread of paper and the printing press from China to Europe preceded a major advance in the transmission of news and new channels.


Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives isn’t what you want, it’s what you need. This is a different type of agency. We don’t use the word “boutique“ or “artisanal“ or “bespoke.“ That type of language is cliched and lame. We’re craftsmen providing exemplary service for a finite period of time in exchange for a fee. You want dopeness, we leverage our knowledge, experience, skill sets, and resources to help you achieve that goal so we all can shine bright when all is said and done.



Most light sources emit light at many different wavelengths; a source’s spectrum is a distribution giving its intensity at each wavelength.


The color of an object depends on both the physics of the object in its environment and the characteristics of the perceiving eye and brain.

Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Worked 20hrs in one day on a Google RFP.

Worked 20hrs in one day on a Google RFP.

Worked 20hrs in one day on a Google RFP.

Worked 20hrs in one day on a Google RFP.


Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Worked 20hrs in one day on a Google RFP.


Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives isn't what you want, it's what you need. This is a different type of agency. We don't use the word ``boutique`` or ``artisanal`` or ``bespoke.`` That type of language is cliched and lame. We're craftsmen providing exemplary service for a finite period of time in exchange for a fee. You want dopeness, we leverage our knowledge, experience, skill sets, and resources to help you achieve that goal so we all can shine bright when all is said and done.


Create hot shit.
Be on point with any briefs and SOWs.
Meet and exceed clients' hopes, wishes, dreams, expectations, KPIs, and metrics.
Meet good people.
Establish and extend the professional network.
Be on budget.
Be proud of the work accomplished when it's all said and done.


Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.

Survived a 22 ½ shoot date without yelling, killing someone, or walking off the set.


Nine years of private parochial school (K-8)


Audacity 0
Confidence 0
Teamwork 0
Audacity 0
Audacity 0

Master of Letters

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed.

Typeface Techniques

The former is characterized by its similarly weighted lines, while the latter is distinguished by its contrast of light and heavy lines. Often, these styles are combined.

Scope of the Business

Business can refer to a particular organization or to an entire market sector, e.g. “the music business”. Compound forms such as agribusiness represent subsets of the word’s broader meaning, which encompasses all activity by suppliers of goods and services. The goal is for sales to be more than expenditures resulting in a profit or gain or surplus.

Private profit-making businesses are different from government-owned bodies. In some countries, certain businesses are legally obliged to be organized in certain ways.

Generally, a smaller business is more flexible, while larger businesses, or those with wider ownership or more formal structures, will usually tend to be organized as corporations or (less often) partnerships.

Nature of Description

Description is one of four rhetorical modes, along with exposition, argumentation, and narration. Each of the rhetorical modes is present in a variety of forms and each has its own purpose and conventions. The act of description may be related to that of definition.

Description is also the fiction-writing mode for transmitting a mental image of the particulars of a story.

The pattern of development that presents a word picture of a thing, a person, a situation, or a series of events.

The most appropriate and effective techniques for presenting description are a matter of ongoing discussion among writers and writing coaches.

Service-Commodity Goods Continuum

Business services are a recognisable subset of Economic services, and share their characteristics. The essential difference is that Business are concerned about the building of Service Systems in order to deliver value to their customers and to act in the roles of Service Provider and Service Consumer.

Service Specification

Most products fall between these two extremes. For example, a restaurant provides a physical good, but also provides services in the form of ambience, the setting and clearing of the table, etc.

Economic Services

And although some utilities actually deliver physical goods — like water utilities which actually deliver water — utilities are usually treated as services.

Newsworthiness is Defined

In some countries and at some points in history, what news media and the public have considered “newsworthy” has met different definitions, such as the notion of news values.

Folk News

Sufficiently important news would be repeated quickly and often, and could spread by word of mouth over a large geographic area.

Greek Forum

Even as printing presses came into use in Europe, news for the general public often travelled orally via monks, travelers, town criers, etc.

Early News

Visible chains of long distance signaling, known as optical telegraphy, have also been used throughout history to convey limited types of information.

News Network

Thus, political, religious, and commercial interests have historically controlled, expanded, and monitored communications channels.


The spread of paper and the printing press from China to Europe preceded a major advance in the transmission of news and new channels.

Art Museum or Art Gallery

An art museum or art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection. Paintings are the most commonly displayed art objects;

Although primarily concerned with providing a space to show works of visual art, art galleries are sometimes used to host other artistic activities, such as performance arts, music concerts, or poetry readings.

Art Museum or Art Gallery

An art museum or art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection. Paintings are the most commonly displayed art objects;

Economics and Business

Service design is a form of conceptual design that involves the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service in order to improve its quality and the interaction between the service provider and its customers.

Service Management

Service design may function as a way to inform changes to an existing service or create a new service entirely. The purpose of service design methodologies is to establish best practices for designing services according to both the needs of customers and the competencies and capabilities of service providers.

Administrative Service

If a successful method of service design is employed, the service will be user-friendly and relevant to the customers, while being sustainable and competitive for the service provider. For this purpose, service design uses methods and tools derived from different disciplines, ranging from ethnography

Art Museum or Art Gallery

An art museum or art gallery is a building or space for the exhibition of art, usually visual art. Museums can be public or private, but what distinguishes a museum is the ownership of a collection. Paintings are the most commonly displayed art objects;


These physical or physiological quantifications of color, however, do not fully explain the psychophysical perception of color appearance.


Most light sources emit light at many different wavelengths; a source’s spectrum is a distribution giving its intensity at each wavelength.


The color of an object depends on both the physics of the object in its environment and the characteristics of the perceiving eye and brain.





holiday pack

career growth

creative room

airport pickup

Always Open On Time

A retailer or a shop is a business that presents a selection of goods and offers to trade or sell them to customers for money or other goods.

Handmade Quality Products

Shopping is an activity in which a customer browses the available goods or services presented by one or more retailers with the intent to purchase.

Made With Taste In Mind

The shopping experience can range from delightful to terrible, based on a variety of factors including how the customer is treated.

Interaction Design

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object, system or measurable human interaction.


Additional definitions, Design is planning to manufacture an object, system, component or structure. Then, the word “design” can be used as a noun or a verb.