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Make It Official

Make It Official

The golb has a name…

Started our career writing. Words will always be the foundation of what goes on around these parts… despite being pretty terrible at grammar. Who has time for technicalities, when words are meant to flourish and fascinate. Don’t have time to think about the proper use of a semicolon.

As writers, nothing is real unless it’s anointed. Everything has to have a name, otherwise it’s not really real. We are dedicated to making this golb a place of voices, but the lack of a proper title was the pea in the mattress. Then it came in an instant…

Dangling participles. Heard of it. Looked it up. Still not sure what it means. Bet you there are dozens of dangling participles in NVA’s writing over the years.

It’s not official. The Golb is titled Dangling Participle.

God bless this woman…
Bet you a million dollars you didn’t know what this means.